At ACPS We Care...
It's as simple as that. That's the Quality we look for when we hire someone. When you venture out into the world of commerce today, and you deal with front line people, how often do you really see that quality in them?
With wages and benefits down, taxes up, and a general feeling of hoplessness in a lot of people, it's tough to find people who care.
We stand behind our techs. We train them, we pay them well, and we keep them. It's not a revolving door here. It's family, plain and simple.
That means you as a customer benefit. Our people care about you. They know your kid's names, your dog's names. When Your holidays are. With ACPS, the heater will be ready at Yom Kippur! And Thanksgiving, and Christmas!
All of our techs have passed CPO exam for Pool Operators in the State of South Carolina. We also adhere to National Certification protocols.
Our experience in other parts of the country allows us to better apply the correct types of procedures for you. What works in Chicago isn't what's good here.